Remote Healing

Private Consultation by Zoom, WhatsApp or phone

Appointments for long distance remote healings can be scheduled if it is not possible to meet in person. Marianna has worked successfully from Vermont with clients all over the world. To read more about what to expect, follow this link.

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Remote sessions are often more effective because people are in their own private and comfortable surroundings with Marianna for 60 to 90 minutes  over the phone or via Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime or Skype.  After the initial introduction the visual can be turned off and interaction is by sound only if preferred. Marianna utilizes ancient techniques including Illumination, Soul Retrieval, Karmic Resolution, Ancestral Healing, and Past Trauma Relief, to clear energy and reclaim balance and clarity of mind, body, and spirit.

Many have found the Remote Sessions very helpful given the convenience and the immediate intimacy that is created.  Because the Shaman journeys to alternate realities on behalf of the client there is little difference between the distance and in-person work. The session resembles the same process as if in person.  It is suggested to have a stone, shell or natural object that you feel you would like to work with, but ideally one that you are not attached to.

The science of quantum physics and several rigorous scientific studies have supported the effectiveness of the healing power done from a distance.  The Laika, high Shamans of the Q’ero lineage have followed the “maps” of these alternate domains for hundreds of years, journeying and working to find a healed future for their clients and the world.