Dreamtime Sessions

Marianna created the Dreamtime Session to give an effective Illumination, Chakra Cleanse, balance and Chakra Resetting remotely while one is sleeping.  This can be a great opportunity not only for any adult, but for a child who may be struggling, who can be helped while they are sleeping in the comfort of their own homes. A parent is allowed to give permission for their child up to 18 years of age. In some instances, it is a wonderful discussion to have with a child so they can actively participate in setting their intention for the session.

To schedule a Dreamtime Session, Marianna needs a photo of you emailed to her.  After establishing a time period for Marianna to work when you are apt to be asleep (ie: 11:30pm-6:30am), you choose a number between 1-13 that corresponds with a stone or “kuya” that assists Marianna to connect to you.  If a child cannot choose, it is o.k. to trust your own intuition and choose for them.

Before bed, set the intention to allow any energy that does serve you to be released during  sleep and to wake with a restored sense of well being.

During the established “Dreamtime” session,  Marianna will proceed with an Illumination, plus a clearing and resetting of the Chakras.  She will then e-mail a description to share what she learned during her time with your energy field.  It is suggested to take some time when first waking to tune in to how you feel, allowing time to  welcome new breath into a new day and to set or reestablish your intentions.

Dreamtime sessions are also very effective for beloved pets, who cannot always communicate what may be bothering them.