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Exploring the Five Elements Workshop

  • Fitness Connection Grand Cayman (map)

Join Marianna Jacobs, a certified Healer, for a day of self-discovery and empowerment. Discover sacred tools for personal growth through ancient spiritual guidance, to help you to unlock and celebrate your inner potential. We will explore and learn about the Five Elements from ancient Chinese wisdom that speak to our body’s energies and map them to identify where there may be imbalances to heal ourselves holistically. We will clarify and “plant” new intentions to manifest, and welcome the support of the year of the Tiger, with profound energy to take action for new opportunities.

Fitness Connection $75 CI - Limited to 15 participants

Marianna is also available for private Healing Sessions To arrange a time at FITNESS CONNECTION or Rum Point please contact her at 

Earlier Event: January 17
Clearing & Revitalization Workshop